April 15, 2023 @9AM



Join the Stinson Beach Fire Protection District, Marin County Office of Emergency Management, and the Marin County Sheriff’s Office in practicing with your household for a Tsunami Evacuation in Stinson Beach.

When: Saturday April 15th at 9AM

Where: Participating individuals will evacuate via vehicle to the intersection of Avenida Farallones and Belvedere Ave

Who: Any resident or visitor in the low-lying areas of Stinson Beach (Downtown, Calles, Patios and Seadrift)

What: A simulated tsunami generated from an earthquake in the Pacific Ocean. Local emergency authorities have been notified of a greater than 2.5m (8.2ft) tsunami with a run up time of approximately 2 hrs to Stinson Beach. Stinson Beach Fire and the Marin County Sheriff's Office have issued a mandatory evacuation of the low-lying areas of Stinson Beach. Detailed information will be distributed via Alert Marin

How to participate:

1. Make sure you are signed up for Alert Marin (in addition to Nixle)

2. Receive evacuation notification via town evacuation siren and Alert Marin Push Notification on Saturday 4/15/23 at 9AM

3. Grab your go bag and follow Alert Marin directions below to check in at the evacuation point (you do not need to leave your vehicle!)



What is the Hi-Lo Siren?

The Hi-Lo siren is the European siren. It has been adopted by Marin County law and fire agencies as the dedicated evacuation siren to be used to alert the public for evacuation. “If you hear Hi-Lo, it’s time to go!” Learn more HERE.

What do we do after checking in at the Temporary Evacuation Point?

You will remain in your vehicle for the duration of this evacuation drill. Once you arrive at the Temporary Evacuation Point you will be given an evacuation time and a hand out on Stinson Beach Tsunami safety–then you will be directed back down the hill to enjoy your Saturday. 

What if I’m not signed up for Alert Marin, how will I get notified?

Alert Marin is the primary evacuation notification used by  Stinson Beach Fire and the Marin County Sheriff's Office. Please stop reading this FAQ page and head to to sign up now. 

In the event of an actual evacuation, in addition to Alert Marin, the following notifications will be issued:

  1. NOAA weather radio tsunami warning Alert

  2. Sounding of the Stinson evacuation Siren

  3. Depending on personnel availability, sounding of portable Hi-Lo (European) siren on first responder vehicles

Why are we driving and not evacuating by foot?

Different tsunami scenarios (i.e. size & run-up-time) will trigger different evacuation strategies. For the purpose of this drill, the local authorities have made the judgement call that an evacuation via vehicle would be the most effective evacuation strategy. Please also mentally prepare for an on-foot evacuation in the event of a short run up time and/or significant traffic congestion.  

Households are recommended to follow the following preparation rules for any evacuation:

  1. Have two planned evacuation routes 

  2. Have two planned means of transportation 

Why are we evacuating on the Hill vs up Panoramic?

The Hill is one tsunami evacuation option. Panoramic Highway will likely be the most effective evacuation route out of Stinson Beach. However, in periods of high visitation, Panoramic Highway may be the primary evacuation route for vehicles in the Stinson Beach Park. In the event of a significant traffic congestion on Panoramic Highway, evacuees from portions of Downtown, Calles, Patients and Seadrift, may find the hill a more viable evacuation route.

Portions of Shoreline Highway North and South of Stinson Beach lie in possible tsunami evacuation zones. Shoreline highway may be a viable evacuation option if the run-up time is extended.

I live on the hill / Highlands / Panoramic, can i participate?

Yes,  please be located in one of the low-lying areas of Stinson Beach (Downtown, Calles, Patios or Seadrift) with your vehicle before 9AM on Saturday, April 15th.

How do I know if I live in a tsunami zone?

If you live in one of the low-lying areas of Stinson Beach such as Downtown, Calles, Patios, or Seadrift, you reside within the tsunami zone.

To learn more about the at-risk areas in Marin County, please visit the Marin County Public Emergency Portal , and refer to the map located towards the bottom of the page.