Training programs are announced as they become available in Emergency First Aid, Community Emergency Response Training (CERT), and other disaster skills.
Sign up for training and acquire a new skill!
GET READY TRAINING is conducted by County Fire Departments to teach individuals and families how to prepare for a disaster. Visit the Ready Marin website for information on Disaster Planning and Preparation, Cert Training, Neighborhood Response Groups (like our Stinson Beach Disaster Corps), and CERT.
CERT BASIC TRAINING is free and open to all Marin County residents over the age of 18. CERT is taught in two formats: The standard In-person Training and the new Hybrid Training, a combination of online learning and one day of in-person instruction. Register for Cert Training at readymarin.org/cert-training
All ages and physical abilities are welcome and we’ll never ask you to do anything you aren’t comfortable with. Because CERTs are volunteers, there is no requirement after completing the training to respond in a disaster. Your skills are useful at home with your family and neighbors.
HYBRID CERT TRAINING was developed during the pandemic and combines online training with an in-person Skills Day. The self-paced training is estimated to take 10-12 hours and is followed with an in-person Skills Day to get hands-on experience.
If you are CERT trained, or decide to sign up for CERT training through the new Hybrid class, please inform the Stinson Beach Disaster Corps at sbdc94970@gmail.com so that we can add you to the list of trained residents that can be called upon to assist our first responders in the event of a large disaster.
Downtown Explosion, June 22, 2020