Local Funding for Emergency Response



Keeping Fire Response and Lifesaving Services Local

Since its establishment in 1938, the Stinson Beach Fire Protection District (SBFPD) has been a mainstay in our local beach community, dedicated to the safety and peace of mind of its community and visitors. From medical emergencies, natural disasters, devastating wildfires, structure fires, and general neighborhood services, the SBFPD answers calls from those in need.

Growth in Climate-Related Disasters, Aging Population & Peak-Season Visitors Is Straining Local Fire and Emergency Response

Stinson Beach is in a high-risk area, situated within a fire danger zone and on the San Andreas Fault line, which increases the risk of earthquakes and tsunamis. The growing frequency and severity of climate events, including major storms and wildfires, demand more robust response capabilities. Additionally, the community’s aging population has increasing health and safety needs, leading to a rise in medical emergencies. Emergency services are further overwhelmed by the explosion in the visitor population as Stinson Beach has been discovered as a destination by the Bay Area and beyond.

Developing Long-Term Solutions to Support Our Local Firefighters with the Resources Needed to Respond to Growing Challenges

While community volunteers have long provided vital safety, emergency, and first-response services in Stinson Beach, challenges in the community require a modernized approach. Therefore, since Fall 2022, the SBFPD has been implementing strategic initiatives, led by the Fire Chief and the Board of Directors, to meet the emergency and fire safety needs of the community, both now and in the future. The plan is rooted in the best practices of professional emergency response and demonstrates a vested interest in the community, but does not have a dedicated funding source. Without a dedicated source of funding to address the professional staffing needs, the future of Stinson Beach Fire is uncertain, and we could be forced to close our doors.

Ballot Measure “R” Could Keep Lifesaving Services Local

SBFPD proudly represents the community it serves, but staffing and funding have become strained, and it is difficult to respond to the growing demand for emergency and fire services here on the coast. Thus, the Board of Directors has placed Measure R, a 42 cent-per-building-square-foot parcel tax, on the November 2024 ballot. Measure R would generate $700,000 annually in locally controlled funding with annual adjustments. More than half of the revenue from the measure would come from second homeowners and funding could be used to:

●      Attract and retain high-quality professional firefighters

●      Ensure local firefighters are prepared for fires, earthquakes, flooding and other disasters

●      Maintain rapid 9-1-1 emergency response times

●      Recruit and retain paramedic certified personnel, improve response time, and guarantee access to critical life-saving care

Key Features of a Local Fire and Emergency Response Parcel Tax Measure

●      All proceeds would be controlled locally and could not be taken away by the State

●      Independent citizens’ oversight and mandatory annual audits would ensure funds are spent as promised 

●      Senior citizen homeowners would be eligible for an exemption from the cost

What about the Fire Station?

As a part of our 5 year strategic plan, the SBFPD and SBVFA are embarking on a 3 year Capital Campaign to build a state of the art Fire Station in Stinson Beach. Due to our aging population, a changing environment, and ever growing seasonal visitation, our needs as a community are shifting. This impact lands on the shoulders of our volunteer and staff emergency responders. In the last 13 years, calls to the SBFPD have doubled. We need to expand our impact and ability to protect life, property and environment. To do this, we will be reaching out to our community to ask for support in making this growth possible (as well as other funding sources). We look forward to sharing more and engaging with you about our fundraising campaign soon! You can learn more about our 5 year strategic plan by clicking the link below. If you would like more information or want to get involved with fundraising, please connect with our Capital Campaign Manager, Evan Wilhelm. Evan can be reached at fundraising@stinsonbeachfire.org.

We Want to Hear from You!

In the coming months, the SBFPD will be closely examining its local funding options. Community input will be a critical component of our planning process, so we welcome your feedback and questions. To provide feedback, email info@stinsonbeachfire.org